A pre-integrated, cloud-ready and secure suite of Smart Grid Applications
Patagonia Energy Applications Platform (EAP™) is a suite of Smart Grid applications that offer analytics, operations and business support tools. It is a combination of technologies and an ecosystem that provides secure and interoperable software and communications solutions for you to improve customer service, grid reliability, and efficient operations. Patagonia Energy Applications Platform (EAP™) has the OSGP standard as its foundation.
Pre-Integration with OSGP makes it simple
Patagonia Energy Applications Platform provides a flexible framework to leverage your AMI investment and create your own Energy Applications to respond rapidly to market changes and exploit opportunities that new technology brings.
• Deploy into any existing OSGP infrastructure
• Deploy anywhere, leverage local data processing and distributed intelligence and automation
• Deploy faster and with no disruption
• Achieve benefits on day one through in-built “know-how”
• Develop your own analytics to differentiate your services
• Integrate low-voltage network information with your business decision support tools
• Integrate low-voltage network information with your customer facing systems
Smart Grid Applications Powered by the Patagonia Energy Applications Platform (EAPTM)
Discover Additional Smart Grid Applications

Powering Outage Avoidance and Restoration
Fewer outages, increased reliability, enhanced customer experience
Learn more
Why Patagonia
Many have thought about the name of our Smart Grid solutions, Patagonia, and wondered why the famous South American mountain range was chosen to represent our offerings.
The Patagonia mountain range, located in Chile, with its soaring mountains, azure lakes, and unique wildlife, is one the most impressive mountains in the world. However, when one closely examines the awesome range, they will see its three main peaks that stand tall, each one of them being an invaluable part of Patagonia. Our Smart Grid platform is just the same, an inspiring platform that is built on three tiers of technology, the enterprise tier, the control node tier and the grid device tier. These tiers each play an important role in bringing an industry leading Smart Grid solution to life.
We like to think of our Security Platform as the critical foundation that supports the Patagonia Mountains, because it is an integral part of our Smart Grid solution, cannot be compromised and is not optional.
In-Depth Look at Utility Market Trends
CXP Group conducted a utility market study aimed at presenting the perspectives of European utility leaders on how they steer their operations to ensure lasting relevance and future growth. The report gives insight into how Europe’s energy and water retailers are planning to ride out the revolution in customer engagement. We present below some of the findings of the study.
What tactics are utilities adopting in order to stand out from the competition?
Improving the quality
of customer service
The launch of new energy-related
products and services
Lowering the cost
of operations
What do utilities believe will be the main factors in adding or losing customers?
Quality of
customer service
Client satisfaction with
products & services
The impact
of new competitors
Key Trends by Region
Operational efficiency is a
highly important element
of future strategy
Identification of unbilled
revenue is a major
opportunity for smart metering
Evolving security threat
is a major challenge
CXP Group conducted a utility market study aimed at presenting the perspectives of European utility leaders on how they steer their operations to ensure lasting relevance and future growth. The report gives insight into how Europe’s energy and water retailers are planning to ride out the revolution in customer engagement. We present below some of the findings of the study.
Source: Digital Utilities: From Behind the Curve to Innovation
How Europe’s energy and water retailers plan to ride out the revolution in customer engagement